
PADI AWARE Foundation

PADI AWARE Foundation

PADI AWARE FoundationTM is a non-profit public charity that drives global ocean conservation through local action. PADI AWARE Foundation engages divers and people everywhere to take conservation actions that heal and protect the ocean planet both above and below the surface, further elevating and supporting PADI’s vision to achieve balance between humanity and ocean. Backed by the power of the PADI® brand and supported by the world’s largest global network of 6,600 dive centers and resorts and more than 128,000 professional members worldwide, PADI AWARE Foundation leverages the collective influence of divers and the dive industry to address key threats facing the marine environment including climate change, marine habitat loss and vulnerable species protection. PADI AWARE Foundation advances its mission and the PADI Blueprint for Ocean Action through underwater citizen science, public policy, education and community grants.

For more information & to support our programs visit:

Humpbacks and High-rises

Humpbacks and High-rises is an NGO based on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Since 2011 they have been running Queensland’s largest marine mammal monitoring program dedicated to the protection and research of marine mammals. Their mission is to ensure present and future generations of the community have access to enjoy, appreciate and care for whales and dolphins through research, rescue and education.

More information about Humpbacks and High-rises at:


Reef Check Australia

Reef Check Australia has been helping people to help reefs since 2001. Reef Check exists because the scale of monitoring and action required to help look out for reefs called for a network of local people united on a global scale. In 1999, the first ever global Reef Check survey into coral reef health showed the power of community involvement with scientific studies – better known as citizen science! It also shed light on the extent of human impact on reefs around the world.

More information about Reef Check at:

Take 3 logo

Take 3 for the Sea

Take 3 for the Sea is an award-winning Australian charity on a mission to rid the oceans of plastic pollution.  Take 3’s vision is to conserve the environment and protect wildlife from the impacts of plastic pollution and waste by leading a movement of people connected to the planet.

More information about Take 3 at:


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