Diving Deep With Todd Thimios: Underwater Adventures, Photography, and His New Book Ultimate Dive Sites

Image of Orcas by Todd Thimios
Image of Orcas by Todd Thimios

Join us as we sit down with photographer Todd Thimios, author of the book Ultimate Dive Sites, which just launched in January 2025. We chat about his career as a dive guide on the yachts of billionaires; what it’s like to pilot a sub down to 1,000 metres; and how he’s balancing his new role as a dad of two girls while still spending as much time underwater as possible.

Q. Tell us briefly about yourself, where you grew up and your experiences with the ocean.
Sure. Like most Aussies, much of my childhood was spent by the sea. In my teens, we frequently went out to the Great Barrier Reef on our family’s boat. My dad and uncle are die-hard keen fishermen, but I always enjoyed snorkelling and freediving. Naturally, that led me to getting SCUBA certified at 16, and at 20, I became an instructor.

Q. Can you tell us more about your passion for the ocean and how it led you to specialise in underwater photography and filmmaking?
Spending so much time in the water, it didn’t take long before having a camera with me became second nature. Now, after 20 years of photographing underwater, I find it pretty strange to swim without a camera. My interest in photography really grew during my 20s while I was living and working on Lord Howe Island. It’s incredibly pristine, with so much marine life and very few people.

Todd Gearing Up For a Dive
Todd Gearing Up For a Dive

Q. What are some of the most memorable or impactful experiences you’ve had while exploring the underwater world during your travels?
I definitely fell in love with the Galápagos Islands and Costa Rica’s Cocos Island many years ago. The large megafauna and the biodiversity are incredible. Plus, in these parts of the world, you tend to dive differently—you sit and wait. That’s something I really enjoy: finding the right spot, sitting tight underwater for hours, and then ‘bang’—the ocean comes alive. Suddenly, there are hammerheads in their hundreds, or perhaps a humpback and her calf, or even a pregnant whale shark the size of a bus. It’s unforgettable.

Q. What are your top five favourite underwater locations in Australia that you would recommend to others? What makes these sites so special?
Limiting it to five is so hard because here in Australia, we are blessed with a unique variety of diving. But I would suggest:

  • Rapid Bay, South Australia
  • Osprey Reef, Great Barrier Reef, QLD
  • Lord Howe Island, NSW
  • Ningaloo Reef, WA
  • SS Yongala, Queensland

I’ve expanded on these locations (and listed more) in my book Ultimate Dive Sites

Q. Can you describe the process of becoming a certified Deep-Sea Submersible Pilot and the thrill of piloting submersibles to depths of up to 1,000 metres?
I’ve been trained to pilot two different types of submersibles over the years—the first was rated to 380 metres, and the second to 1,000 metres. I completed my training with SEAmagine and Triton Submersibles in the Bahamas. Both certifications took months to complete, and by the end, it felt like I’d rewired my brain. Nevertheless, submersible diving is incredible. To watch the light fade away and see the environment change as you descend is otherworldly. Some of my fondest memories involve parking the sub on the ocean floor, powering down the lights, and experiencing the immensity of the darkness and the hundreds of metres of seawater above.

Q. You’ve won multiple photography awards and hosted expeditions in exotic locations. Can you share more about your photography style and approach, and what we can expect to see in your upcoming book Ultimate Dive Sites?
I’m not sure I can label myself with a particular photography style, but I’ve always enjoyed sharing raw, authentic imagery. I love finding the detail and complexity amongst the chaos of the underwater world. In Ultimate Dive Sites, my publisher gave me a wonderful opportunity to curate a list of 50 ultimate dive experiences around the globe. Spending the past few years travelling and revisiting old hard drives of imagery for the book has been a lot of fun.

Todd Thimios in Galapogas
Todd Thimios in Galapogas

Q. How has your Marine Science university degree and experience living on Lord Howe Island and in Spain influenced your underwater exploration and photography work?
Both were incredible locations and chapters in my life. Lord Howe feels like a paradise lost in time, whereas Spain offered me a lifestyle and a base for travel. Completing a degree in Marine Science was a comprehensive way to deepen my knowledge of the underwater world and learn more about conservation. Over the years, I’ve witnessed the interconnectivity of marine animals and their environments through my dive mask and camera lens, but learning the science behind their symbiosis has been fascinating.

Todd Thimios Diving at Cocos Island
Todd Thimios Diving at Cocos Island

Q. As a father of two daughters, how have you balanced your passion for ocean conservation and commercial photography projects with raising your family on a farm in Byron Bay?
It’s been tricky but incredibly rewarding. Family now comes first, and doing these amazing trips together as a family has become the priority. It’s far more fulfilling than I could ever have anticipated.

After 20 years of diving the world and leading expeditions, Ultimate Dive Sites is Todd Thimios’ first book, published by Hardie Grant. Packed with stunning imagery, Todd showcases his top 50 dive experiences from around the world. Available here, on Amazon, and at all leading book stores.

Todd Thimios Antarctic Orcas
Todd Thimios Antarctic Orcas

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